Swimming Style

Teach your child how to swim in Just 30 days!

Children should experience the joy of swimming in a safe and friendly environment where the coaches teach them about water safety and stroke development. A good coach needs to understand the pace of learning for each child. Nowadays, there are several swimming lessons online, but the result may not be of course be as good as personal training for children. With personalized attention, children tend to learn faster and this boosts their morale significantly!

When should you start children's swimming lessons?

You may wonder as to what is the correct age to start teaching your child to swim. You may be surprised to know that people take even two-year-olds into the pool with them. Introducing them to the water should be made fun, no matter what the age. Having said that, the age of four to six is mostly ideal to begin swimming lessons for kids.

How to Teach Swimming to Beginners

When you introduce a child to the pool, its imperative to get it right the first time. You don’t want your child to get scared of the water!
A parent can be the best swim instructor for a child as they know their child and can work with them accordingly. Learning swimming should be a fun activity for kids and equipped with the right guidance, parents can easily teach swimming and motivate their children at the same time.

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Types of Swimming Strokes

There are several different kinds of swimming strokes. Some of the more popular ones are:


Freestyle / Front Crawl




Dolphin Kick

Each of these require different arm and leg movements and also differ in speed. A structured breathing pattern also need to be followed for each. It is important to know which style to teach first to what age group, how to teach and when to proceed to teaching the next swimming technique.

Which Swimming Technique to Teach First?

When you introduce your child to the pool, the first step is to just get him/her comfortable with being in the water. The next step is to teach them breathing techniques. The correct way to breathe in water is essential and there are ways to teach this. Aided by examples, children learn best and most effectively. In The Stars method, Hadar Frisch demonstrates how to teach your child to breathe with easy real-life examples that children can follow and have fun with at the same time at children’s swimming lessons!

Tips for Parents

There should be no distraction while watching children. No alcohol or drugs should be used when near pools. “Touch supervision” is essential and keep children within arm’s reach at children’s swimming lessons. Never allow a baby or a child near any body of water under the care of another child. Remember that the drowning risk for toddlers age 1-4 is never expected. Use life jackets when in natural bodies of water, such as lakes or rivers. Weak swimmers should also wear life jackets when at a pool or water park. You should know how to recognize signs of distress and act quickly when there is trouble. Everyone should learn CPR and safe rescue techniques.

About Hadar Frisch

This program is developed by Hadar Frisch after years of research and experience at managing her own swimming school. Hadar is a swimming instructor and a Cognitive-Behavioral Therapist. She has researched and worked with Aquatic Therapy especially targeted at improving children’s confidence levels with children’s swimming lessons. Hadar talks to you about your attitude, your approach to your children’s swim class as being an important factor in the teaching process. She teaches you how to encourage your child, build confidence, and instill in them an aim to get better, and strive harder to learn.

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